Monday, September 27, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

My niece came over to Grandma's yesterday with a Disney princess sand pail. I asked her the names of all the princesses on the pail, which she knew. She even knew who Sleeping Beauty was. I don't think I could pick Sleeping Beauty out in a lineup.

So I asked Meleah to tell me the story of Sleeping Beauty. She related the story in its entirety: "Once upon a time, there was girl named Sleeping Beauty. She liked to sleep a lot. The End."


Barbaloot said...

Uh-Sleeping Beauty is the best princess there is. I don't believe you when you say you couldn't pick her out. Maybe you just need to see her next to Malificent?

Also, I like to sleep a lot, too. Maybe that's why I think she's the best.

Jenna Kae said...

oh my. this story was so incredible. i almost squirted liquids from my nose. note to self - no more drinking things while reading matt haggard's blog. :)

More Bacon said...

I think she's brilliant--that's the best part of the story, anyway. Forget the prince and the fighting and stuff--that girl was RESTED! Could not be more jealous...