Mia Love recently lost to Jim Matheson in a Utah congressional race.
One day last week while we were eating, Christy said out of the blue: "Mia Love's coming over to feel Madeleine's hands."
Huh? What?
I muddled around in my head trying to figure out how we knew Mia Love... and why she was coming over to our house to feel our baby's hands.
Then I realized that she was talking about a little girl in our neighborhood named Mya, who loves coming to feel Madeleine's hands.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Mia Love
Posted by
8:57 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2012
!00th post1 sort of
This is supposed to be this blog's one hundredth post. However, after deleting all the unpublished drafts, it turns out that this is only the 95th post. But such a mistake plays nicely into:
Even Numbers
Roundish Numbers
Is there something intrinsic in push-ups that demands we do multiples of 5? Is there a physical limit built in to the body that prevents it from running a mile in 240 seconds?
I've come up with several reasons why I think we like roundish numbers:
1. It looks nice (seeing the odometer roll over to 1,000,000 just looks fun)
2. Roundish numbers tend to have shorter names: one hundred, ten, one thousand, quarter century.
3. Math is a little easier on some roundish numbers.
The year is ending soon (we're in the 10th month), which means it will be time for people to start talking about resolutions. I challenge you to make non-roundish resolutions. Resolve to lose 3.4 lbs (or gain 7.6). Resolve to run 0.4 miles every day. Actually, instead of resolving to run 0.4 miles every day, pick a landmark and resolve to run to it and back -- don't bring the measurement into the resolution. Celebrate someone being born on a day other than their birthday. They're just as alive today as they will be then (although birthdays are actually tied to something real -- the position of the earth relative to the sun).
I don't think roundish numbers are bad (Remember, I celebrated my 10,000th day of mortal life.), I just think we shouldn't limit ourselves to them.
Printing from the bathroom
Posted by
7:52 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Essence of Childhood
On my way home from work today, I stopped at the store to purchase some baby soap sans scent. I looked up and down the soap, shampoo, deodorant and band-aid aisles for too many minutes, only finding stuff for kids, but not babies.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Wicked Disco
In church today, a 10-year-old girl talked about when she had just moved into their house. At the time she was two. She was playing downstairs and accidentally set the downstairs kitchen stove on fire. As a two-year-old, she didn't understand fire (so she said). So she went with her mom to drop off the older kids at school. When they came back, her mom, following an impression, went downstairs and, in the words of the girl telling the story, "She screamed." The fire had spread to half the kitchen. Mom put it out, and she was very glad. All ended well.
I imagined little Madeleine setting fire to our house. Right now, her crying is the most unpleasant thing she does. I can't imagine when she starts burning down our house, or driving our cars through walls, or leaving the bath water running, or...
I substituted as the pianist in Primary today. The teacher asked the kids, "What kind of music can drive the Spirit away?"
A girl piped up: "Disco!"
Later, the teacher asked, "What are some things that drive the Spirit away?" Autumn answered, "When someone has worked really hard on a Math assignment, and they've put a lot of time into it, and then you take it and rip it in half."
"Oddly specific," I thought.
Posted by
12:48 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Why I Love Windows: A step by step guide to backing up photos
Christy brings a lot to our marriage: postage stamps (I was running low), milk for Madeleine, household decorations, love, and a laptop running Windows Vista. How do I know it's running Vista? Because of the sticker under my left hand. I wonder if Windows 7 comes with a replacement sticker.
![]() |
Notice the large gash on my arm earned defending Madeleine from a pack of marauding wolves. |
Step 1: Choose some software
- It has to be automatic or you'll never keep it up
- There needs to be redundancy or the same grenade that blows up your laptop will destroy your backup too.
Step 2: Buy some hardware
After several days of hunting, I decide to buy one of these Synology DS112j NAS boxes:![]() |
(without the chocolate or peanut butter) |
Step 3: Set up the network
+--------+ +----------+ +---------------+ | Vista | | wireless | ethernet | Synology | | box +( ( ( ( ( (+ router +----------+ NAS | | | | | | lots of bites | +--------+ +-----+----+ +---------------+ _ the waves of _ +--------+ wifi _ | Ubuntu | _ | box +( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (+ | | +--------+
Step 4: Mount a network drive in Vista
Step 5: Direct CrashPlan to back up to network mapped drive
As a bonus, if you click on the What is a user account? link at the bottom of that window, you are taken through the Existential Wizard which helps you answer the big questions: Where do user accounts come from? When a user account is deleted, what happens to it? If a user account is created in a forest, and there's no one around to see it, will it make a sound when you log in?
Step 4: Mount a network drive in Vista as the SYSTEM user
Step 4 1/2: Schedule a task to mount a network drive in Vista as the SYSTEM user
I click OK. I think "OK" in this context means, "Don't let little red Xs slow you down, buddy. It's OK. Everything's under control." Phew! Had me worried.
This SYSTEM user seems pretty powerful, and I made sure to check the Run with highest privileges check box. But don't worry, you won't be burdened with having to enter a password for any of that. Click OK:
Got it, Vista. Somethin's been tamperin' with Ronald's update. Click OK.
Step 4 3/4: Log out and log in to see if... it... :(
I love Windows! After trying several times (not shown in this post) I think the task is running correctly, and logging correctly. In the log, I see this:Z: has a remembered connection to \\\acer.bak. Do you
want to overwrite the remembered connection? (Y/N) [Y]:
Hmm... I'm ready for a challenge. Somehow I've got to answer the question... in the task's command... to which I have no direct input. But have no fear! You can get the command's help with net use /help.
See in the help text where it says you can supply a /y flag to the command to answer yes to every question? It's right there, between... the top... and the, uh... details, details! Where would the fun be in documented parameters?
I add /y to my command, hoping that the second question isn't
Would you like to format this drive? (Y/N) [Y]:
Small aside in defense of Windows
Step 4 7/8: Log on again and make sure the drive was mapped.
Step 5: Direct CrashPlan to back up to disconnected, network mapped drive
Unrelated Step 6: Auto-mounting a non-SYSTEM drive automatically, without user intervention, automatically, on login, every time, without fail, automatically
then I double click the automatically mapped, public share drive
Posted by
11:01 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Bayonets of Fire!
Our baby doesn't sleep in a bayonet. She sleeps in a bassinet. It's not her bayonet which is dirty and needs cleaning. No foe's blood soils her sword. She hasn't fought in any battles. She doesn't even have a rifle on which to affix her bayonet. She has no bayonet. It's bassinet, (bassinet, bassinet).
Generous people have showered Madeleine with gifts -- mostly well-appreciated clothing. On one jumper, there was attached a gigantic warning written in both Spanish and English: "Warning: not flame retardant. Loose clothing is a fire hazard." Not flame retardant? What kind of rummy clothing is this!? Can't even stand fire!? How do they expect us to get on with normal infantile activities?
Yesterday morning, after a night of interrupting Madeleine's sleep every three hours by pinching her until she cried, Christy was a little tired. I showered and got ready for work, brushed my teeth, then went to bid her farewell. She was asleep, so I got close, getting ready to wake her gently. All of a sudden, still asleep, she hawked and spit. Like she meant it. She opened her eyes and saw me, then asked, "Did I really spit?" "Yes. You sure did," I said smiling. We couldn't stop laughing as she described her dream, in which she was brushing her teeth. Her roommate wouldn't let her spit in the sink. Eventually, she made it to the sink. And her pillow.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves
P. G. Wodehouse is a carefree magician of a writer. I just finished reading "Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves." Like many of his other works, this one also made me laugh out loud.
I don't read these books with a paper and pencil (though maybe I should), so I can't as readily share snippets I like. But here's an effort that you might have a taste of Wodehouse.
When Jeeves deals with Wooster to give up his beloved, blue alpine hat with a pink feather (which Jeeves detests), Wooster describes it thus:
I gave him the hat. It made me feel like a father reluctantly throwing his child from the sledge to divert the attention of the pursuing wolf pack, as I believe happens all the time in Russia in the winter months, but what would you?
When Spode (who is big and angry) confronts Wooster about planning to steal something:
"So I was right!"
"In my suspicions."
"They have been confirmed."
'Stop saying 'Eh?', you miserable worm, and listen to me."
I humoured him. ...the muscles of his brawny arms [were] just as much like iron bands as they had always been, and the way I looked at it was that if he wanted me to go easy on the word "Eh?" he had only to say so.
Continuing... he said:
"I happened to be passing through the hall just now."
"I heard you talking on the telephone."
"You were speaking to your aunt."
"Don't keep saying 'Oh?', blast you."
Well, these restrictions were making it a bit hard for me to hold up my end of the conversation, but there seemed nothing to be done about it. I maintained a rather dignified silence, and he resumed his remarks.
He snorted and said "Ha!" and I thought it a bit unjust that he should say "Ha!" if I wasn't allowed to say "Eh?" and "Oh?" There should always be a certain give and take in these matters, or where are you?
Wooster to Jeeves:
"Did you ever see a film called The Vanishing Lady, Jeeves?"
"No, sir. I rarely attend cinematographic performances."
"Well, it was about a lady who vanished, if you follow what I mean..."
And many other very funny moments. Read it. You won't be disappointed. Also, "Joy in the Morning" is another great read.
Posted by
7:47 PM
Friday, May 18, 2012
Je suis un père
Madeleine and Mom hiked to Delicate Arch |
Every stage of my life has been good to the degree that I have faith in and obey my Father in Heaven. The last few stages (missionness, bachelorhood, newlywedity) were thus and I expect this stage to be no different. It's not to say that I am always happy. But overall, I am happy.
I feel like I can now see the opposite of Thestrals. I have a greater respect for Christy, for my mom, and for mothers in general. I had some idea of what birth would be like, from videos and classes. But it's different feeling your own wife squeezing your hand. And it's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
What a great word! Say it a few times: "midwifery, midwifery, midwifery." Isn't it fun? Also, the people who own the title are great. We decided to see the midwifes of the Central Utah Women's Clinic for our labor and delivery. What an excellent choice! I recommend midwifes one hundred percent. Our midwife was at Christy's side the whole time she labored at the hospital. She encouraged her in just the right ways, and was absolutely great. The midwives are happy to dispense with unnecessary procedures and to let mom do things her preferred way. Most of the nurses were also exceptional. We really couldn't have asked for a better experience. Doctors are great when you need them. But if you don't need them, choose a midwife!
Expensive Yellow Wedding Dresses
While staying at the hospital, I went out to our car one day and passed through a waiting room with the TV on. A bright yellow wedding dress was showing on the screen with "$200K" written underneath. A lady was yammering on about the dress. I thought, "How silly." Really, how silly. Having just seen my daughter born, I thought, "huh, the lady talking about the dress was born once... she was a naked, scrawny baby." Now she's yapping away about something really ridiculous. There's so much more to life than what we get ourselves caught up doing. I want to share a part of a letter I wrote home as a soon-to-return missionary (maybe I've shared it before):
"Everyone is busy doing things... things, things ,things. Man has invented things so that he can do more things and so he can do some things in more comfort. Technology has progressed, but I wonder how much mankind has progressed. There is much of unkindness in the world. There is much of unfairness -- I have learned this first hand several times during the past two years. There is too much sensuality, and along with it too much complacency. Greed is evident in any part of the world. Men, born naked, clothe themselves in expensive suits and adorn their lives with titles, classes, clubs and cliques. Others, likewise born naked, remain in poverty throughout."
I'm not perfect. I chase after some "expensive, yellow wedding dresses." (Not literally... I don't actually have any interest in yellow wedding dresses) But I hope to maybe chase after a few less having seen a new life come into the world. And I'm excited to help her see the difference between expensive, yellow wedding dresses, and the truly important things.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
One source of happiness, and a good book
I recently watched some clips of an old British game show called Golden Balls. At the end... well, just watch (if you keep reading, there are spoilers):
Lastly, on this kick, if you haven't watched any of the other videos, watch this one:
Part B of this Blog Post
I just finished Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie.
I liked it. It's a quick read. I liked the typesetting, the doodles and the stories.
I really like his chapter on corporate organization, The Pyramid & The Plum Tree, in which he promotes an organization like a plum tree rather than a typical corporate pyramid. "Upper" management is the trunk of the tree -- the stable foundation providing nutrients to the rest of the tree. Middle management are the branches. The creators and producers are at the top of the tree.
Chapter Nineteen, Orville Wright is spot on.
It's a quick enough read that I might run through it again with a pencil and paper.
Section 3
Our baby girl is coming soon. How soon, we know not. But we've been getting ready. We have the training wheels on the bike, so she can get on that right away. Also, I pulled out all the old math textbooks I have on hand. We can probably get up through Trig before we have to come home from l'hopital.
It's kind of fun to have this bit of unpredictable waiting for us. As organized as we are... it'll be a surprise and probably different than we expect.
Posted by
10:51 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Rex Lee
I'm pretty happy about running my first 5k this morning (the Rex Lee Run). Christy and I have been "following" a training program for the past few months, "running" several times a week. (Being pregnant stifles speed somewhat)
We walked the first part (the uphill part) together, then I jogged to the finish line alone. It was fun to walk the uphill part for a few reasons: 1. I didn't have to run it, 2. everyone else was dead tired after running it, so I could easily pass them, which is strangely motivating. As Christy put it, when you pass someone (anyone; even the lady in the cast, carrying a baby in her arms, pushing a stroller with a broken wheel) you think, "Yeah, I'm fast!" You might be going an inch an hour, but passing someone still makes you think it. Motivated by such, I jogged to the end without stopping!
Both water stations on the course were out of cups when I passed. At the first, the girl cheerfully said, "Sorry, we're out of cups, but the next station is only three quarters of a mile away." What a politically astute way of describing the 1 mile distance to the next station.
At the next station, the girl said (also cheerfully), "Sorry, we're out of cups, but you're almost at the end." Maybe the psychology department volunteered to handle the water stations to conduct an experiment. You could probably extend the almost-there logic to really reduce costs for a Marathon. Place stations a mile apart staffed with apologetic people encouraging you to just jaunt on over to the next station.
Luckily it was cloudy and cool (and it's only 3 miles), but I stopped anyway to put my head under the water cooler for a mouthful.
Good day!
Posted by
4:26 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Stickin' it to the Man
About two years ago, I bought a lawn mower, if you remember. Since that time, I've been paying back the money I borrowed from the bank to purchase the lawn. The bank makes a lot of money off my desire to mow a lawn. People should be able to earn a living, and the bank has found a niche that enables "it" to earn a living. But they could still make a comfortable living on much less than what I give them.
I've always liked tangible metrics. I would sometimes place MnMs on the piano, one for each song I had to practice, and eat them one at a time after doing the required work. I have a jar I fill with marbles after accomplishing some of my goals (it's about 1/4th full now). Christy and I had a paper chain counting down the days until marriage.
Now, there's a man living in my closet:
Also, we clean our house each week by reading clothes pins.
Each pin represents a job and has a numeric frequency written on it (you do the number 2s every other week.) You clip the pins to your shirt while you work, then hang them on the line for the coming weeks (put the 3s on the line to be done in 3 weeks). It's fun.
Posted by
9:21 PM
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Belly good
People who don't live around us have been wanting to see how Christy looks now that she's several months pregnant. So we took some pictures. Here they are:
I think she looks great, don't you?
Posted by
6:47 PM
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Them people
I heard on the radio that some people somewhere were asking for legislation to prohibit ocean liners from sailing within a certain distance of certain Italian shores. They want the laws because of what happened with the Costa Concordia. I think such legislation is ridiculous. How often have cruise liners crashed in those waters? If such a law already existed, would it have prevented the reckless captain from making the same choice? The captain ought to be punished; and people will learn from the experience.
I've been thinking political thoughts lately. Sometimes, I wish I had a quiet place, like a moon base, where I could go ponder in peace. And sometimes I wish I had a quiet place, like a moon base, to which I could send politicians.
I want to vote for a normal American: someone who has worked hard to earn their living. I would really like to vote for someone who does not want to be a politician. If a farmer ever ran, I think I would vote for them. Good farmers don't do stupid things -- they just get the work done. Ammon, I would vote for you. I would also vote for someone who did no fundraising. Why should you need to spend a lot of money to become elected?
I have other thoughts, but I haven't yet sorted them through in my head.
Also, sometime in May, Christy and I have an appointment to meet a little girl at the hospital and bring her home to live with us for a few years. I expect she'll want a name. And probably some food and clothing. She'll likely cry sometimes, too.
I hope she can do math when she arrives.
Posted by
4:31 PM